So you get a notice that an owner has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. What to do? If you said, “close the file and write off the balance,” not so fast! Here are 5 things that every manager and board should keep in mind. Deadlines Pass by Quickly…
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Many condo and homeowner associations are experiencing an unprecedented rate of bankruptcy filings by owners. Some are current on their dues when they file, some are not. Many file to try and discharge condo or homeowner dues. Both homeowners and ass…
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We are getting lots of questions about the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and how its reporting requirements affect community associations. Did you know that last week, FinCen published its Beneficial Ownership Reporting Outreach and Education Tool… Read More
Did you know that the “WUCIOA for all” bill also makes changes to WUCIOA as it governs communities already subject to the statute? Most of those changes will take effect on June 6, 2024, while the “for all” portion of the bill does not take e… Read More
The Legislature adopted new restrictions on all community associations’ ability to foreclose on homes for delinquent assessments. These restrictions are found in HB 1482. Key Provisions: You cannot start a foreclosure if less than 3 months of regul… Read More
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