Today's Topics:
- CTA still being challenged.
- WUCIOA changes (to existing statute, only relevant to current WUCIOA communities for now) take effect June 6, 2024.
- How (if at all) will WUCIOA affect a preexisting community's ability to enforce an existing rental restriction?
- Can a spouse that is not on title vote on behalf of the unit?
- Discussion of board duty of “reasonable care.”
- Discussion re: restricting owners’ right to vote.
- Whether board members must be residents of Washington.
- Statutory citations for changing qualifications for board members.
- Releasing law firm comments with ownership when working on documents.
- Newly enacted Fannie/Freddie Maximum Allowable Deductible for Condominium Master Policy.
- Discussion re: owners protesting on HOA property.
- Amending documents to opt-in to WUCIOA.
- Board member duties when resigning from board (i.e., records, etc.).
- Composition of board under WUCIOA.
- Over 55 Condominium Community HOPA Survey questions.
- Appellate case re: political speech/signs within HOAs.
- Fire code question.
- Discussion of proxies.
- Do reserve accounts have to be FDIC protected?
- Can an association start enforcing a rule after 15 years of non-enforcement?
- Can an association require homeowners to pay for removal of plants the owner installed in the common areas?
- Stormwater-related question.
- Can the board remove a member arrested for assault?
Representing Washington State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:
DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.