Condominium Law Group Zoom Q&A - October 27, 2021

Condominium Law Group Zoo…

Representing WA State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:

DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.

Today's Topics:

  • WSCAI Gala & Annual Meeting - November 5.
  • Indoor and outdoor mask mandates.
  • King County now requires proof of vaccination or negative COVID test for outdoor public events with 500+ people and at indoor entertainment and recreation establishments, including bars, restaurants, gyms, etc.
  • Effective November 15, large indoor and outdoor events in Washington will be required to check proof of vaccination or a recent negative coronavirus test from all attendees ages 12 and up.
  • Discussion of runoff elections when more than one candidate receives the same number of votes to fill a vacant position.
  • What to do with extra money/surplus at the end of your budget year.
  • How to handle an association that never achieves quorum at annual meetings. Is there an RCW that allows a reduced quorum?
  • Does an owner have to opt-in to electronic notices in order to vote by e-mail?
  • How much notice of an assessment change does an association have to give?
  • Who pays for it when an association vendor has to visit a unit to address some kind of damage issue? What if it turns out the issue in question is an owner responsibility?
  • Can a board adopt a budget with a non-unanimous vote?
  • Discussion of how boards manage communication with managers, homeowners, delegation of ministerial/inconsequential decisions, etc.
  • If a board decides to pay for a type of repair now, should they reimburse owners who paid for the same type of repair in the past?
  • How to deal with filling an empty board position mid-year when the existing board members are tied on who to appoint.
  • Are sprinkler heads and owner or association responsibility?
  • Do condo associations have to conduct an annual audit?
  • What advice do you have on the Association paying a board member to oversee a large project?
  • Can committee members communicate directly with owners regarding ARC requests or compliance issues?