Condominium Law Group Zoom Q&A - May 10, 2023

Condominium Law Group Zoo…

Today's Topics:

  • Members of same household serving on board
  • HB 1199, childcare facilities - implications for condos
  • Required steps for an HOA to adopt a new rule & make it enforceable
  • Requiring the removal of a problematic tenant in an owner's unit
  • ACC request denied; is there a statute requiring the board to hear an appeal?
  • Dealing with the approval of a new/amended contract - via email? Who signs? Best practices?
  • Voting outside board meeting: must the vote be unanimous? In writing? How to keep record of the decision? Ratify at next meeting?
  • Construction project resulted in defective or incomplete work. Can consultant be held accountable? Do we have to pay consultant to oversee getting the work fixed?
  • Pros/cons to becoming incorporated or not.
  • Update on some bills signed into law, including SHB 1101; HB 1199; HB 1349; and EHB 1636.

Representing WA State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:

DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.