Condominium Law Group Zoom Q&A - January 12, 2022

Condominium Law Group Zoo…

Representing WA State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:

DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.

Today's Topics:

  • Reminder that Secretary of State will not have electronic filing available for non-profit corporate filings from December 30, 2021 through end of February.
  • Revisiting COVID-related policies and protocols in light of rapid changes in circumstances. Consider adding it standing agenda for board meetings.
  • WSCAI webinar January 13, Ken is co-presenting with Ila Kane regarding governing documents. For more info:
  • Recommendation to update collection policy to comply with changes to pre-foreclosure requirements implemented in 2021.
  • Consider whether it is time to update governing documents as a whole, especially older documents that do not reflect statutory changes.
  • Saving on legal fees by taking legal advice from management company's lawyer? (Spoiler alert: bad idea!)
  • Legality of husband and wife owning multiple units in different names within the same community. (ARCH community)
  • Whether/how to pay/reimburse board members for costs they incur as board members, or for services provided to the Association.
  • Determining gross revenue for Secretary of State filing.
  • What are steps to enforce owner violations of governing documents?
  • Do Airbnb's and other short-term rentals violate use restrictions?
  • Proper procedure for condo association to obtain a loan for building repairs.
  • How to report to the IRS when an association makes payments to an owner for services provided to the association.
  • Is there a way to prohibit Airbnb's in our community? Is a 90% vote required?
  • Correct way to make amendments to your governing documents so they are enforceable.
  • Enforcement of governing documents when an owner demands it.
  • Doing nothing is frequently a reasonable option when various issues arise, as long as the board makes that decision after deliberation (not just ignoring the issue or failing to take action).
  • How to determine who is responsible for maintenance and repair of balconies, and who pays for it?