Condominium Law Group Zoom Q&A - January 10, 2024

Condominium Law Group Zoo…

Today's Topics:

  • Legislative Session started January 8, 2024. Sign up for Monday Morning Minute emails here:
  • Do proxies count when voting "at the meeting" for budget ratification?
  • Does ratification happen at board meetings or association meetings?
  • Do proxies have to be printed? Forwarded to the association?
  • HB 1507 proposes to make board member training mandatory.
  • Are Bylaws recorded? How to handle it if they are; discussion of recission when recorded (unless required to be recorded by Declaration).
  • Case law re: board member personal liability?
  • How to handle it when an owner blocks access to a deeded parking spot.
  • Committee membership, delegating board powers, handling ties, etc.
  • Statutory requirement for number of board members; difference between board members/directors and "positions" or officers.
  • When Bylaws say Secretary "shall" take minutes, can others take the minutes instead?
  • Records retention requirement for ballots (one year).
  • Can a board require a board member to use a specific email platform?
  • Handling virtual elections, voting by mail, and nominations from the floor.
  • Discussion re: neighboring owner's trees, dangerous conditions, etc.
  • How to handle parking on private streets within HOA
  • How to handle "correcting" board meeting minutes that are already approved.
  • If a community with no open meeting requirement holds open meetings anyway, do they have to continue until notifying the ownership otherwise?

Representing Washington State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:

DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.