Representing WA State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:
DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.
Today's Topics:
- Reminder that Secretary of State will not have electronic filing available for non-profit corporate filings from December 30, 2021 through end of February.
- Revisiting COVID-related policies and protocols in light of rapid changes in circumstances. Consider adding it standing agenda for board meetings.
- Seattle eviction moratorium extended through 2/14/22.
- CAI Condominium Safety Report
- Proxy Voting at Annual Meetings
- Late Fees and Interest in light of Service members Civil Relief Act
- Improvement or Repairs without Board Approval
- Proof for Emotional Support Animals
- Can a renter report violations done by an Owner
- Board votes by email vs. Board votes in meeting
- Standards for Reserve Study professionals
- Does a private deck count as “inside a Unit”
- Process when a Board Member wants to step down
- Can Owners submit a Proxy vote by email in the case of last minute issues with attending a meeting
- Timing for Association Meeting to Approve Bank Loan
- Required Percentage of Voters for Amendment