Today's Topics:
- Recording fees increasing by $100 on January 1, 2024.
- No Q&A on December 27, 2023.
- What is a "common interest community?"
- Explanation of board "qualifications, powers, duties, & terms of office"
- Dealing with consent to alter common areas, how to document, etc.
- Discussion re: "capital contribution fees"
- Can you charge really large fines to lessen the burden on the board when dealing with repeat offenders?
- What are the HOA's options when an owner does not pay fines?
- How to handle tree roots encroaching on HOA property
- How do we pay for a roof replacement if we don't have the money and can't get a loan?
- What happens next after a lien is recorded for unpaid assessments?
- Is there a code of ethics for board members, including how they can/should treat community members?
- How to handle governing document updates if WUCIOA is made "the law of the land."
- Can a ratified budget be appealed? What if less than 51% of the owners are present at the ratification meeting?
- Discussion of general steps to take if an owner files bankruptcy.
- How to deal with an owner who refuses to pay portion of assessments to fund reserves (a delinquency is a delinquency is a delinquency!)
Representing Washington State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:
DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.