Today's Topics:
- Recording fees increasing by $100 on January 1, 2024.
- Appointing officers on board, sharing duties, etc.
- How to handle a homeowner interfering with association vendors.
- Incorporating an association with the Secretary of State.
- Application of owner payments; collection options when foreclosure is not available.
- Acceleration of assessments.
- Small claims court for non-payment of assessments.
- Owner requests to review delinquency reports, new records statute.
- Handling returned mail from owners.
- Discussion of statutory lien, foreclosure costs, and bankruptcy.
- Can board have "study session" and exclude owners? (Spoiler: If you have an open meeting requirement, NO!)
- Board's ability to delegate tasks.
- Are family members not on title allowed to attend board meetings?
- Percentages required to amend CC&Rs.
- Resources available to owners, other than legal, when board won't follow governing documents/statutes.
Representing Washington State condominium and homeowner associations. Questions? Email us:
DISCLAIMER - The discussions in this Zoom Q&A are not legal advice and cannot be used to advise any particular association (or owner) with any specific question and/or circumstances. The comments in this Zoom Q&A are intended for informational purposes only.